Saturday, July 26, 2014

27,000 celebrating Shinto on a beach that day


  1. Random House Books - Google+ 1/1
    I made the pope retire DIAL 111 IN Christchurch on the Eleventy-First Anniversary Earthquake on the 111 year
    anniversay of Milne Shide Number 333 before they said do it again then.
    hl=en&q=%22i%20made%20the%20pope%20retire%22 I made the pope retire predicting the great christchurch
    earthquake on george washington's birthday TWO TWENTY-TWO ON TUESDAY TWENTY-TWO DAYS BEFORE A
    TSUNMAI TOHOKU I MADE THE POPE RETIRE with a Golden Girdle in The Revelation of Jesus Christ you can see
    if you Google first ever "Google Doodle" it's me I warned a global google doodle was needed from Larry and Sir Gee
    on the 111 year anniversary of British Association for the Advancement of Sciences Earthquake Number 333 because
    the "eleventy-first" of that Milne Shide No. 333 that hit a year divisible by three times three, in a month divisible by
    three times three, on a day divisible by three, in an hour divisible by three, a minute divisible by three, a second
    divisible by three, times three, times three on being my birthday September three in twenty ten for ten if you were
    "three" wise men instead of burning me real men "three wise" fathom probability by the way a year divisible by three
    times three in a month divisible by three times three on a day divisible by three in an hour divisible by three in a
    minute divisible by three and on a moment divisible by three times three times three and for christ's sake it was
    earthquake milne shide number three hundred and thirty-three commencing at three oh three and twenty-seven
    seconds clue so I demanded a global google doodle or there would be a 111 Year Anniversary Earthquake on the 111
    year anniversary of earthquake milne shide 333 on the third day in September twenty ten which came to pass would
    you believe dumb ass with the destruction of a major city on my birthday destroying a city named after me and my
    predicting this most highly unlikely 111 year anniversary earthquake on the 111 year anniversary of earthquake milne
    shide no. 333 and it being predicted to world leaders in public places specifically in the month before the destruction
    of the second largest city in New Zeal and for real "natural" disaster coming to pass giddy up ass before they said do
    it again then... When... When would be good for you? Perhaps... two... twenty-two... on tuesday... twenty-two... days
    before a tsunami to hock you The Great Christchurch Earthquake on George Washington's birthday the day Amerigo
    did not die but at the mint Rodney King of Kings Lord of The Rings the tv news guys please know who came to pass
    its the duke gook girt about the pap washing ton of dirty jap i made the pope retire Prescott fire george double you
    was my secret service The United States of America was named after me Columbo tell me who didn't die but at the
    mint on two... twenty-two... tuesday... king of jew day twenty-two days before a tsunami tohoku Jesus Christ Church
    Canterbury Christopher Michael Simpson i made the pope retire Social Security Number Six Hundred and Sixty-Six I
    made the first pope in six centuries resign 14 days after the single most highly unlikely celestial super bolide airburst
    tunguska event that had ever been predicted to any pope in public before it came to pass a star that stopped brighter
    than the sun in front of everyone and you didn't even notice my two week tunguska notice for his resume so google
    russian meteorite and count back fourteen days before the first pope in six hundred years quit his job because I said
    so... ho... whore... hey... #MARIO #YOU #LIKE A MY #FIREBALL ?

